Services for People with Disabilities

Independent Living Services (ILS)


Serving people with varying cognitive, developmental and medical challenges under Community Alternatives for Disabled Individuals (CADI) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) waivered services. Our services are person centered, tailored to support and augment strengths and skills to assure each person lives the life they choose.


In-Home Services


Services are designed to support children and adults who live at home. We work closely with families and individuals to tailor our services to support their needs. Trained staff can assist an individual with a multitude of wants and needs which will help families continue to care for them at home. We run the gamut; from supporting the person doing not-so-fun chores to having a lot of fun doing what the person wants to do both in the home and in the community. Our employees are trained to work with individuals who have behavioral challenges and health care needs.


Supported Living Services (Waivered Services)


We provide a home just like yours and mine; a home that is safe and comfortable, and reflects personal needs, style and choices. A place that offers both the privacy of their own room and social opportunities with roommates. Food is home cooked and tailored to individual likes, dislikes and dietary needs. Safety is assured with 24-hour, well-trained staff on duty.


Homes are adapted as needed to meet a range of abilities and challenges. They are designed so people with ever changing needs can be accommodated. Staff are hired and trained to meet the needs of each person in the home. We offer everyday opportunities to work through cognitive, physical and emotional challenges both at home and in the community. Consumers use personal calendars, communication aids, and assist with meal preparation, hygiene and household tasks. Consumers participate in activities they choose such as classes, sports, camps, cook-outs and dances, to name a few.


Supervisors are on-call 24-hours a day, 7 days a week for questions and emergencies.



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